Public transportation

Make your life easier by planning your metro, train or bus route. Consult the schedules to know the next departures, the network condition in real time and more!

Make your trips easier with the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain, which brings together all public transit services of the metropolitan region.

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Exo operates public transit services by train and bus on the territory of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal.

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The STM network meets the mobility needs of the Greater Montréal population with its bus and metro public transit network.

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The RTL has nearly 100 bus lines and provides a shared taxi service in the cities that comprise the Longueuil agglomeration.

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With nearly 50 bus lines, the STL serves the entire territory of the city of Laval. Users can use its STLSynchro service to know the exact time of departure of their bus.

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Have you ever considered using one of the river shuttles on the St. Lawrence? Numerous departures for 10 different routes are offered all summer long.

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Chrono is a simple tool that provides information on all public transit services gathering all public transit services in the Greater Montreal area, in real-time.

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Download the right mobile application for you

Find all the information you need in a few clicks, like the right bus or metro station at a walking distance, the time of departure of the next train, and much more.

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