Every effort has been made to mitigate the impact of road closures on traffic in the Montréal metropolitan region. Now it’s time to take stock of the past year!
In 2024, no fewer than 12 Technical Committee meetings were held, which provided an overview of the work ahead, and identified areas where coordination needed to be optimized.
The Coordination Committee on Major Hindrances on Weekends held 17 meetings with over 40 stakeholders, which enabled the efficient planning of major closures and the optimization of actions in the field.
As a result of these efforts, 896 road closures were avoided!
Mobility Montréal also strengthened its communication to the public. A total of 48 newsletters were sent to over 2,000 subscribers and some 100 messages were posted on social media to inform citizens of upcoming hindrances.
This strengthened collaboration between the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable, municipalities and public transit companies has been crucial in mitigating the effects of major road projects on traffic in the Montréal metropolitan region.
When it comes to mobility, everyone is part of the solution!